
Our Classes at Studio Fondue offer a diverse range of class styles, whether you’re a well seasoned fitness expert or you’re just starting out on your fitness journey, our classes offer an all inclusive approach with a range of classes for All Levels and additional classes for those who are used to more depth, creativity and sweat.

functional pilates

Level 1

Our 50min SIMMER.

Great for learning or re-learning the fundamentals, Functional is our open level class getting you moving effectively and efficiently on the mat. 

Time held in exercises is longer and transitions between exercises are slower, allowing for more instruction from the teacher. It’s a medium intensity and moderately paced class, aimed at building heat and strength but don’t expect easy. Expect an all over burn with a focus on form and modifications for higher level students, because at Fondue we don’t do easy.

Total Form Pilates

Level 2

Our 50min BURNER.

High intensity and low impact, Total Form was designed for those with good fundamentals that want to level up to a powerful well-rounded class. The music is louder, exercises harder and transitions faster. Aimed at building functional strength, flexibility and range of motion (ROM), it’s a great total body burn. Will challenge even the most advanced students.

hiit sculpt

Level 2+

Our 50min SIZZLER.

Find your ultimate challenge as you work through a strength based Pilates workout. This workout will have you sizzling from the get go, with a faster paced workout creating heat, strength and a whole lot of sweat. You will work through higher reps, heavier weights & variations layered on top of each sequence with bursts of cardio and minimal rest periods. 

Knowledge of strength based movement or our level 2 Pilates as an entry level to this class is recommended.


Our 40min SCORCHER.

Level 2

A mobility class that uses passive stretching techniques to unlock problematic areas and improve flexibility.

A slow-moving sequence of long-holds paired with deep meditative-music and breathwork. Relaxing and inward-looking, it targets the deeper / smaller muscle groups and connective tissue (fascia). Our sequences are all designed to pair with our classes and Physio treatments.

Welcome to the science of stretching.


Our 40min SHAKER.

Level 2

A mobility class that uses passive stretching techniques to unlock problematic areas and improve flexibility.

A slow-moving sequence of long-holds paired with deep meditative-music and breathwork. Relaxing and inward-looking, it targets the deeper / smaller muscle groups and connective tissue (fascia). Our sequences are all designed to pair with our classes and Physio treatments.

Welcome to the science of stretching.

private class

If you’re new to Pilates, have a specific problem or simply like your privacy then our Privates are for you. We can even come to your house / villa if you prefer.

You may choose private sessions to:

  • Rehabilitate an injury or chronic condition working in collaboration with our Manual Therapist’s
  • Good understanding before moving into a group class
  • Enhance your regular group sessions
  • Refocus or speed up your Pilates goals
  • Support a return to Pilates after a break

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